After working with thousands of technical instructors over the years, we understand the extraordinary amount of effort and preparation that goes into training a classroom of students, whether in person or virtual. With training tools and technology platforms constantly changing and updating how users engage with each other and with their products, instructors must also continuously learn and refamiliarize themselves with their subject areas. At XtremeLabs, we support instructors with hands-on training labs that can be used during the preparation process as well as used by students in class. With that in mind, we have developed XtremeBadge, a new certification program for instructors who use our labs to train and teach.
XtremeBadge is designed to recognize and award the efforts you put into staying on top of current technology. We aim to encourage the XtremeLabs community to continue pursuing training excellence. These badges are a representation of our appreciation for the XtremeLabs community and a reminder of your achievements.
Instructors will receive badges based on the number of courses you have taught using the XtremeLabs digital learning lab platform. Currently available badges include:
Certified Instructor
Taught at least one course using our XtremeLabs digital learning labs platform.
Silver Certified Instructor
Taught at least 2 different training courses using the XtremeLabs digital learning labs platform.
Gold Certified Instructor
Taught at least 5 different training courses using the XtremeLabs digital learning labs platform.

Badges are a great way to show your knowledge and skills in utilizing hands-on labs to effectively reinforce course material taught during training. Share on social media and use #XtremeBadge.
The first batch of badges was sent out to eligible instructors last week. If you have not received a badge but believe you are eligible for one of the badges above, please contact sales@xtremelabs.io and we will make sure the badge and certificate is sent out to you.