As always, XtremeLabs is committed to providing the best learning experience to its users. We have released several new user interface (UI) updates. New updates include:
- Branding Feature (Header and Footer)
- Dashboard Feature
- Active Session Sharing
Branding Feature (Editing Account Portal’s Header & Lab UI’s Footer)
The first new feature that is available to instructors/administrators is the Branding Feature. Instructors/Administrators are now given the option to add their branding to the lab environment. Users can use this feature in the account portal under the Manage Classrooms tab. Learning Partners can change the default header and footer and also have the option to upload a logo.

The changes will be visible to the students in both the user account portal and the lab UI. (see below)
Branding in the User Portal

Branding in the Lab UI

Dashboard Feature
The Dashboard tab has also been added to the account portal. This tab includes the Classroom Overview section. The dashboard tab will display the following information :
- Learning Partner
- Classroom Name
- Dates (Classroom duration)
- Student Usage Report Link
- Enable Screenshot checkbox

Student Usage Report (Active Students)
Instructors will be able to track the activities of active students and can view their lab progress status with the help of the Student Usage Report.

Active Labs Monitoring
Instructors will have separate details for each student’s name, student code, and active lab screenshots.

By clicking on the Show Images button, instructors will see the student’s lab progress status.

Instructors can also download the student’s VM screenshots by clicking on the Download Image button.

The instructor can download the .csv file to their local computers by clicking on the Download Images button.

Student Screenshots
Instructors can choose the Enable Screenshot feature from the Dashboard screen. Once enabled, the instructor can set up the Screenshot Refresh Interval to allow the system to generate screenshots of student progress.

Session Sharing
Instructors can also view and control their students’ active labs from the Dashboard page as well. If a student is currently in an active lab, the instructor will see the lab name and a thumbnail image. Instructors will be able to join and share the student’s session by clicking the lab thumbnail.

To view the student’s screen, click on the lab name above the lab thumbnail image. It will present the student’s screen in a new tab so that as they learn, their progress can be viewed on demand.
For more information about these updates and features or to schedule a demo, contact our Sales Team. Stay tuned for all of our future updates!