Python has become the preferred language for many programmers in data science and game development, among other areas. According to TIOBE, Python has ranked in the top 3 programming languages for the past 2 years. In 2018, Python was declared programming language of the year. TIOBE calculates ratings based on the number of hits on the most popular search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia, Baidu; to name a few. According to a report by GitHub, Python is now ranked number two in the most popular programming languages on GitHub by repository contributors.

Cost of Lab per Student: $45.00
Number of Modules: 20 (see details)
Lab Duration per Module: 120 Minutes
Python Module Outline
- Module 1: Introduction to Python
- Module 2: Python Objects
- Module 3: Conditional Statements
- Module 4: Looping
- Module 5: Functions
- Module 6: Iterations, Generators, and Comprehensions
- Module 7: File Handling
- Module 8: Strings
- Module 9: Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm
- Module 10: Classes and Objects
- Module 11: Inheritance
- Module 12: Operator Overloading
- Module 13: Exception Handling
- Module 14: Introduction to Data Structures
- Module 15: Stacks and Queues
- Module 16: Linked Lists
- Module 17: Binary Search Trees
- Module 18: Introduction to NUMPY
- Module 19: Introduction to MATPLOTLIB
- Module 20: Introduction to Image Processing