The Western Hemisphere’s Cyber Defense Conference is being held in Bogota, Colombia on 14-15 May 2019. Officials from across the Western Hemisphere are attending from 27 Member Countries: Ministers of Defense, Commanders of the Armed Forces, and those responsible for Cyber Commands. The conference is designed to address macro level cyber strategies within the Ministries/Departments of Defense in the region as well as the technical/operational issues that accompany the implementation of cyber strategies. USSOUTHCOM, USNORTHCOM, USCYBERCOM, the OSD, NATO, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico and Peru are participating at the highest relevant levels .The President of Colombia inaugurated the event. XtremeLabs is a proud sponsor of the event and is working closely with the Cyber Commanders on their training requirements which includes instructor led training blended with the XtremeLabs labs and ranges custom made for the various countries and their cyber training programs.