XtremeLabs has partnered with Mercury Learning & Information to offer new content/labs covering Python programming.


Python has become the preferred language for many programmers in data science and game development, among other areas. According to TIOBE, Python has ranked in the top 3 programming languages for the past 2 years. In 2018, Python was declared programming language of the year. TIOBE calculates ratings based on the number of hits on the most popular search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia, Baidu; to name a few. According to a report by GitHub, Python is now ranked number two in the most popular programming languages on GitHub by repository contributors.

Python Basics Book

ISBN: 978-1-68392-353-4

Pages: 450

Cost of Book: $49.95


XtremeLabs Python Basics Lab

Cost of Lab per Student: $45.00

Number of Modules:  20 (see details)

Lab Duration per Module: 120 Minutes

Python Module Outline

  • Module 1: Introduction to Python
  • Module 2: Python Objects
  • Module 3: Conditional Statements
  • Module 4: Looping
  • Module 5: Functions
  • Module 6: Iterations, Generators, and Comprehensions
  • Module 7: File Handling
  • Module 8: Strings
  • Module 9: Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm
  • Module 10: Classes and Objects
  • Module 11: Inheritance
  • Module 12: Operator Overloading
  • Module 13: Exception Handling
  • Module 14: Introduction to Data Structures
  • Module 15: Stacks and Queues
  • Module 16: Linked Lists
  • Module 17: Binary Search Trees
  • Module 18: Introduction to NUMPY
  • Module 19: Introduction to MATPLOTLIB
  • Module 20: Introduction to Image Processing
For more information or to purchase our TensorFlow & Python content and hands on labs, contact our Sales Team!