XtremeLabs was proud to sponsor InstructureCon 2019! We want to thank everyone who stopped by our booth! It was a wonderful event and was exciting to meet a lot of new faces from around the world from as far as China, Australia, Singapore, and as close as the many K-12, colleges and universities located all over California.
Our experience and history of partnering with academic institutions, instructors and students speak for itself in our enrollment numbers:
- 1,200+ academic institutions worldwide, from large institutions to smaller schools with a single IT instructor.
- 1,700+ instructors and lecturers, giving us a strong base of academic instructors experienced with our platform.
- 6,600+ semester classes of varying depth and complexity.
- 67,300+ unique academic students from beginning IT students to experts of cybersecurity, machine learning, and big data.
We are looking forward to beginning and continuing our work with many of you who showed interest in how our labs will be able to help you in your classroom environments with your students.